

The every-day choices we make as consumers affect the health of American industry. As with any worthwhile discipline, such as a diet, in order to assure success, we need to learn to set manageable goals that we can live with. Although we each may feel a small part of the picture, together we can accomplish much. Especially as we educate and influence others as to how they can make a difference.

Please scroll to the bottom of the page for valuable Made in the USA links, including State-by-State. I also would like this blog to be intereactive, so please leave comments to let us know of your efforts to support the Buy American effort!

The Most Important Thing

While it's good to pursue a cause, I want to keep in mind that however noble I may think this cause is, it is not the most important thing.  That is to know my Creator and have peace with Him.  The Bible says it is of no profit to gain the whole world, but lose one's own soul.  If we lost the nation (or the whole world), our soul would still be of consequence.  The Bible also says the most important thing on God's mind is that each person be reconciled to Him and that we let others know how He's provided the Way for that to happen.  So I will be praying that I can have the kind of passion for what God cares about as much as I feel passion for the things that I care about.

The purpose of the consumer choices we are talking about is not to adhere to a list of rigid rules.  We each are free to buy within our own conscience.  Nor is it to or add to a list of personal good works, but hopefully to collectively make a difference for the health of our country.  As Americans we have a tremendous opportunity to give input into the structure of the nation we live in.  Who else in history has gotten to do that?  Not many.  But in the end, it's not the most important thing.  It may be a means for us to accomplish the most important thing.

Please find out more about God's plan for you at